Sep 21, 2023

MOU announced between Climeworks and Kenyan project developer Great Carbon Valley

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Climeworks and Kenyan project developers Great Carbon Valley to explore deploying large-scale direct air capture in Kenya by 2028

Aug 16, 2023

Carbon Engineering acquired by Occidental Petroleum for $1.1Bn

Carbon Engineering has been acquired by Occidental Petroleum for a figure in the region of $1.1 billion only two weeks after the Canadian DAC company completed one of the largest purchases alongside buyers ANA who bought 30,000 tonnes over the course of three years, starting in 2025

Aug 13, 2023

United States Department of Energy (DOE)revealed its winning applications with two regional hubs being announced in Texas and Louisiana

The DAC Hubs program revealed its winning applications with two regional hubs being announced in Texas and Louisiana named South Texas DAC Hub and Project Cypress, respectively. These commercial-scale facilities will be capable of capturing up to 1 million tonnes per year at each facility. Project Cypress is consists of DAC developers (and DAC Coalition Founding Members) Climeworks and Heirloom, Battelle as the Hub owner, and Gulf Coast Sequestration as the geologic sequestration partner. 1PointFive and Carbon Engineering lead the South Texas DAC Hub with CarbonDirect advising on life cycle analysis and community engagement, Worley Group as EPC partners and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Texas A&M overseeing workforce development, Justice40 tracking, environmental protection, and local education.

Jul 24, 2023

The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) this week announced $100m in carbon utilization procurement grants

The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) this week announced $100m in carbon utilization procurement grants. The capital aims to help offset 50% of the costs to states, local governments, and public utilities or agencies looking to procure and use products developed through the conversion of captured carbon dioxide. The FOA will stay open until 30th April 2024.